
Each night at bedtime after a storybook, my daughter asks “tell me a story about when you were little.” Inspired by my mom and daughter, Nostalgia is a collection of stories my parents and family told me about growing up and memories of my own childhood. Join us as we reminiscence and celebrate days gone by, with new and creative writers celebrating “back in the day.”

121 - It Wasn’t Just an Address

I remember pulling up to the house. My father in full command of our 1967 Vista Cruiser station wagon filled with my four sisters, five brothers, my mother holding a baby and no one wearing a seat belt.

In the Summer of ‘68

When I opened my sleepy eyes, I knew immediately that it was a sunny and hot Tuesday morning. It was late July and the year was 1968. The sun beaming through the window panes assured me that summer would be a trustworthy companion for at least another eight weeks.

Sleepless Nights

A gentle breeze rattles the old curved windows and the creaking floor whispers stories of days past in the Historic Riverboat House. I wonder what stories these 115-year-old walls would tell if they could talk.
