Worldly Thoughts

I like to keep tabs on this big round ball we call earth. Read about what we have to say about the state of affairs from a global standpoint.

My tumultuous relationship with Shaun T.

I recently packed on the “twenty forty,” a term I coined which refers to the anomaly where you change absolutely nothing about your diet or lifestyle, but at almost age 40, you suddenly look like you’re six- months pregnant.

In Guns We Trust

In light of the recent tragedy we need to take action against gun violence.

The Elusive Balance

This might upset some folks, but I used to be so irritated with moms who sold stuff. When someone invited me to a LuLaRoe, Mary Kay or a Pampered Chef party, I’d end up eating a ton of appetizers, have a few drinks and suddenly have $300 charged to my credit card for a pair of odd kitchen shears, a vegetable chopping thingy I’d probably never use and leggings with hippos all over them.

Living in a Technology World

We are living in a technology world and I am not a technology girl. I’ve always been a paper and pen kinda gal. I prefer to write on paper and read newspapers and books.

The Joys of Home Ownership

As I sit in my new home waiting in an unreasonable window of time for Comcast, I decided to write about our experience purchasing our first home together. And why it almost drove me to the brink of insanity.

An afternoon celebrating Lancaster pride fest.

While passing through Downtown Lancaster to have breakfast recently, we noticed a fair popping up on Queen Street. Later that day, Bea and I ventured out to see what all the excitement was about and I was sure I spotted food trucks, which was all the motivation I needed.

Why I did the Birthday Project

At first it wasn’t to help others, it was to help myself. As a primarily stay-at- home mom, our days can vary from success to failure. I was going on week two of feeling a bit like a failure. On the outside, I was keeping up, but inside I was falling into a funk.

You Say You Want a Revolution

“I must say a word about fear. It is life's only true opponent. Only fear can defeat life. It is a clever, treacherous adversary. … It has no decency, respects no law or convention, shows no mercy. It goes for your weakest spot, which it finds with unnerving ease.” ―Yann Martel, Life of Pi

When I was in college, I found myself in a bit of a precarious situation.

I found a bump “down there.” My mind immediately wondered and was convinced I had acquired myself an STD. I was scared shitless to ask my parents to send me a copy of my insurance card. “Hey dad, can you send my insurance card? I think I have genital warts.” A friend informed me I could go to Planned Parenthood. Turns out I had an ingrown hair.