
Two amusing moms share experiences in their hometown of Lancaster, PA, reflecting on worldwide views and family tales as they travel through life.
Worldly Thoughts Icon

I like to keep tabs on this big round ball
we call earth. Read about what we have to
say about the state of affairs from a
global standpoint.

worldly thoughts
Lancaster PA Thoughts Icon

I’m proud to call Lancaster, Pennsylvania, my home. We’ll chat about people, places and things centered around Lancaster. We’ll also highlight the hidden gems of Lancaster you’ll want to visit with your family.

lancaster thoughts
Family Thoughts Icon

Our most prized possession. The challenges
of being a parent can be frustrating.
And sometimes just downright hilarious.
We’re all in this together.

family thoughts

Our Capabilities

We’re capable of everything from singing the ABCs a million times a day without losing our shit - to getting our asses kicked by soccer players a fraction of our age...

We’re moms of toddlers and a 10-year-old, respectively, so we’re capable of everything from singing the ABCs a million times a day without losing our shit - to getting our asses kicked by soccer players a fraction of our age. That alone is a feat. Our days, just like other fellow parents, span from high-fiving ourselves for a successful day to praying to god our kids are ready for bed at five because we need a drink. From threatening boot camp to our kids for decapitating and burying Barbies to reasoning with twins about why it’s not normal to take half an hour to pick out socks, we’re just trying to get this parenting thing right.

What began as something we chatted about over coffee (and the occasional mimosa) became a reality. Let’s connect locally and globally. Stop taking it all so seriously. Have fun. Find the cool places to visit in Lancaster or your own hometown. Take the day trips when you can. Stop thinking that because your toddler premeditates about ripping limbs off her dolls, wrapping them in one entire roll of toilet paper and trying to flush them is a red flag. Take time for yourself. Enjoy all that this life has to offer you. Realize it's all good and for the love of God, eat ice cream for lunch.