An Interview with Jess King

Lucy Deren
Lucy Deren
Sep 27, 2018
Interview with Jess King

A Mother Force to be Reckoned With.

November 8, 2016 was a day that changed the lives of many. Some celebrated, others protested, and we became one nation under divide. As many of us grappled with each other, others took action, promising that they would stand tall for the rest of us and fight for what we believed in. One local mom and advocate used that day as a driving force to make a positive impact in the community. Her name is Jess King. And she’s running for congress.

“I knew after the 2016 election that I had to get louder in my leadership,” Jess explains of her decision to run for congress in the 11 th district against Lloyd Smucker. “I needed to talk more about what I see on the ground every day with working families struggling to get by in the richest country on Earth.”

And so, Jess hit the ground running, organizing dozens of Town Hall meetings advocating for farmers, a fair economy, American infrastructure, debt-free college, Medicare for all, women’s rights and health, and reducing gun violence and mass shootings - just to name a few.

“I am 100 percent committed to holding in-person town hall meetings frequently and convening conversations about the most pressing issues facing our district and our country,” Jess explains. “I believe that the give-and-take of conversation helps educate me on ideas and possibilities for governance and legislation, and helps educate voters about policies, opportunities and challenges facing us as a country. There is no substitute for public engagement.”

I can’t imagine what it would be like to come home to my family and announce I was running for congress. Jess found the time, courage and elusive balance of being a wife and mom while striving for the benefit of our community. And now she’s working tirelessly to win a seat on congress. As a mom, I wanted to understand how she made it all happen.

“My husband and I have always shared responsibility for parenting, including each of us taking turns to stay home with the kids. My husband has stepped up to shoulder a lot of responsibilities during this time, but my team is also really mindful about my schedule to make sure that my family still comes first,” she continues. “My family sees me come home exhausted at times. But they also see the energy that comes with doing change-making work. They see my tears and frustration at times, but they also see the joy and satisfaction and respect that comes from living your values.”

Many of us live these struggles, oftentimes when a parent makes the difficult choice to stay at home - the rising cost of living, unaffordable health care, and student loans you’re still paying off from your degree you can’t use because it’s too expensive to work.

“Families with kids at home are facing a lot of the same things,” Jess tells me on her plan to help bridge these gaps. “The top things I’ve experienced personally and heard about the most from others are increasing costs for health care, lack of affordable childcare, and challenges in saving for college for our kids … the struggle is real!”

It wasn’t until I had a family of my own that I realized the impact elected officials could have on my own life. And to be perfectly honest, their chosen party wasn’t my concern, it was the common values we shared that meant something to me and their own tact and sincerity without name calling and mudslinging all for the sake of winning.

As a parent, one of my main goals has always been to teach my children to stand up for what they believe in. But if I’m truthful, sometimes I don’t model that behavior. I can blame it on being a busy mom, but in all honesty, sometimes I don’t have the courage. So, when I meet a woman like Jess King, I can’t help but have admiration for her, stepping outside of her comfort zone - balancing family and work - to devote the time to fight for what many of us value and the change we want to see.

“The core values that have guided me are knowing that life is short, and you should make it count,” Jess laments. “Work hard at whatever you do. And love your neighbor as yourself. I think these values are true to this place, and true to our country in many ways. And these are the hopes I have for my own kids - that for as long as they live, they work hard and succeed and that they should treat others as they hope to be treated.”

Get to know Jess King better by visiting deadline to register to vote is October 9 and can be done at It takes two minutes. Voting takes place on November 6.

We’d love to hear from you, what are some of the changes and improvements you would like to see in your community?

Story Highlights

  • Jess King, mother of two, is running for congress in the 11 th district
  • Be the change you wish to see in the world
  • There is no substitute for public engagement

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