You Say You Want a Revolution

Lucy Deren
Lucy Deren
Feb 7, 2017
No matter where your from, we welcome

You Say You Want a Revolution

“I must say a word about fear. It is life's only true opponent. Only fear can defeat life. It is a clever, treacherous adversary. … It has no decency, respects no law or convention, shows no mercy. It goes for your weakest spot, which it finds with unnerving ease.” ―Yann Martel, Life of Pi

My family and I live in Lancaster, PA, a place that is becoming widely known as a safe space for refugees. The Church World Services, located in Lancaster, serves as an integral organization to helping those refugees here in our county. Tellus 360, an entertainment venue in downtown Lancaster, recently held a concert to benefit refugees attracting about a thousand people, just as our POTUS put a ban on those same people. Locally and globally, citizens rallied to support refugees, who were Muslims and refugees en route back and forth from the United States. And those people were halted.

In the snap of a finger, we put ourselves in a bubble. We divided and inadvertently tried to protect ourselves. But in the meantime, we divided ourselves as a country. All sides arguing to explain their views: Love thy neighbors. In God We Trust. Lady Liberty.

We call each other names without truly understanding where each one of us is coming from – we are the leftist libtards and the fear-mongering rights. But a deeper understanding would reveal we share some of the same beliefs and core values. Let’s give each other a chance to understand one another, in a way where we aren’t too critical. Let’s listen to understand instead of listening to respond. We can care about refugees and security together. We can be the change. Together.

There are families in this world, just like our own, who live a very real fear. One of bombs and terrorism and physical attacks. I don’t walk my children to school fearful of bombs and shootings. I don’t tuck them into bed wondering if we will make it through the night. I simply can’t imagine what it’s like to live in that real fear and will always welcome those who do with open arms.

There was a time of my life when I lived in fear. Fearful of the unknown. Then I lost someone close to me and I realized living in fear doesn’t change outcomes. My mother told me, “We must continue to believe in love, for the love we shared yesterday, today and tomorrow can never be destroyed … we must become more compassionate to the plight of others.”

I looked fear right in the face and said, “fuck you.”

My mother’s words were resounding to me and I try to live it every day. I welcome those who depend on refuge in our country. I will always be compassionate towards the entire human race. From my own experience of fear, I will say this. Living in fear is one of the most detrimental and counterproductive things you can do. Defeat fear. Embrace compassion. Live in the light of our lady liberty. Don’t put out her torch and live in its darkness.

To my refugee friends, I welcome you. To those who fought for our country, you are honorable and brave. To those who fight for the rights on behalf of those who can’t, I thank you. To those who globally help our fellow humans. To all who proudly put a sign in their yard. To those who march. To all who do what they can to help ALL fellow humans. I thank you. And I support you. All of you.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” ―Lady Liberty