Music For Everyone 2017 - Keys For The City

Lucy Deren
Lucy Deren
Jun 1, 2017
Music For Everyone Kids

Finding the Keys For The City and getting to know Music For Everyone.

On one of the rare days that the sun was shining, Whitney and I decided it would be fun to have a scavenger hunt for the kids using the pianos scattered throughout downtown Lancaster as the items in our search.

Local non-profit organization, Music For Everyone, places 15 decorated pianos throughout Downtown Lancaster for the summer. Two of the pianos are available year-round at the Amtrak Station and Park City Mall. The project, named Keys For The City, is a city-wide display raising awareness about the importance of music and the arts.

As we waited to cross the street at Lancaster’s Penn Square, the kids made their first discovery, the Penn Square Gazebo piano.

“I see it! I see it!” the kids jumped with excitement.

It’s awesome that the toddlers can sit and “play” the pianos, but it’s extra special if you fall upon a piano where someone who knows how to play graces you with music. A gentlemen sitting at the gazebo piano entertained the kids with his talent as they spun around dancing. He even took their request to play “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.”

Each time the kids spotted a piano their pace picked up and all three of them tried to jam onto the bench to play their own little tune. After a few minutes, we moved along to our next destination and each piano discovery was more exciting than the last.

Pianos are sponsored by local companies and designed by school students and artists. The objective of Keys For The City is to “foster creativity and build a sense of community among the public … and raise resources and awareness for local music and visual arts education initiatives,” according to MFE’s website.

MFE is doing amazing things for our community beyond Keys For The City. Since 2006, MFE has awarded over $1.2 million in grants, scholarships, and program support to schools and the Lancaster community. Just a few weeks ago, they donated 1,470 instruments and products to schools and programs. As schools continue to see cuts in funding for musical programs, MFE is dedicated to bridging that gap. It’s certainly not a small feat for an organization to take on, but MFE is doing an awesome job at it.

Beyond providing instruments and grants, MFE hosts many events, including musical performances, kid’s music camp and so much more. To learn more or to find the locations of the Keys For The City, visit

A piano scavenger hunt is a great adventure for the kids. And there are plenty of stops along the way if you need a bite to eat or a scoop of ice cream. We ended our hunt at Binn’s Park with a celebration at the fountain.

If you visit any Keys For The City pianos, snap a few pictures, send them to us with the hashtag #mfelancaster or #keysforthecity. It’s a great activity for the kids, doesn’t cost a dime and it gives them an opportunity to be introduced to musical instruments at a young age.

We'd like to hear from you. Have you visited the pianos downtown? What's one of your favorite local non-profit organizations?